New Year, New Opportunities?

New Year, New Opportunities?

For many of us, the new year represents an opportunity to reflect and make a plan for moving forward. This is a useful exercise whether or not you’re satisfied with your current job / career.

Here are some questions and ideas to help you take advantage of the new year!

  • Think about what you learned and achieved in 2023…what new opportunities did you have? What new training or certifications did you receive? What new skills? List your 5 most significant accomplishments
  • Determine your goals for 2024…Are you looking for a promotion? A new job altogether? A new career? Create a written plan on how you can get there. Putting things in writing will help you hold yourself accountable. What do you need to do to prepare yourself to achieve your goal? Are there specific classes? Work experiences? New technologies? Specific people you need to reach out to? Put it in writing and give yourself a timeframe to accomplish what is needed.
  • Is your resume ready to go? If your resume hasn’t been updated in at least 6 months, add this to your to do list. Make sure your resume is full of accomplishments and numbers—as well as key words for your next job.
  • Review your performance expectations with your boss. Make sure you understand what is expected and how expectations may have changed over 2023.
  • Do you have a system to keep track of your accomplishments and numbers? There is probably nothing more important for your career than taking charge of it. One great way to do that is to track your accomplishments and numbers. You can do it electronically or use a paper file. Note that electronic files on your employer’s computer belong to your employer, not you. So however you decide to track this information, use a personal device or file.
  • How is your network? Do you have a coach or a mentor? If not, consider taking steps to find one. Are you in regular contact with people outside your workgroup? Is your LinkedIn current—and active? Are there people you know who can help take your career to the next level? Are you in touch?

These are just some ideas to help you start 2024 on the right track!

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